Friday, April 9, 2010

Two Images from the OK-9/I-35 Interchange Meeting

Here are two images from the OK-9/I-35 interchange meeting I went to Thursday evening. They're of the District 3 2010 to 2017 Construction Program and Workplan poster the presenter, Mr. Paul Rachel Division Engineer for Division 3, had on display. I'll try and get an electronic copy.

This one is of District 3 overall showing the projects planned.

This one is a close-up of Cleveland and McClain counties.

As an aside, ODOT has a really nice collection of old State maps available on-line at and maps in general of Oklahoma (city, county, legislative district, highway, tribal jurisdiction, you name it) at


  1. Mark - it was great to meet you last Thursday. Wasn't it crazy to hear about projects listed out to 2016. I thought that we were all going to be flying in "The Jetsons"-like air cars by then!

  2. Andy - yeah it was pretty neat to learn just how far in advance these projects have to be planned. It was good to meet you too.
